Bonnie Tracy

Bonnie TracyIn 2016 Bonnie retired as a Senior Vice President at Appleton Partners, Inc. She was responsible for their Fixed Income Strategy and was a Senior Portfolio Manager in the Investment Grade Taxable Bond area. In conjunction with the Fixed Income Investment Committee, Ms. Tracy was responsible for setting the overall interest rate strategy for Appleton’s client portfolios, focusing on analysis of the yield curve in conjunction with Fed policy. Additionally she oversaw consultant relationships and client service. Before joining Appleton in 2000, Ms. Tracy was a Managing Director of the Global Treasury Division of BankBoston, managing the Bank’s proprietary Fixed Income Portfolio and Balance Sheet Securitization teams. Additionally, her team oversaw large balance sheet transactions designed to offer tax and income benefits. Currently, Ms. Tracy is a member of the Appleton Partners Advisory Board.

Bonnie enjoys spending time on Nantucket and looks forward to spending time traveling in Europe. She loves fly fishing and sailing. She looks forward to working with children in some capacity in the future.

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